
Posts Tagged ‘opinion’

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I figured I’d give you a couple of days to absorb the vice-presidential debate. So now that the hot air and bluster has disippated. Here’s some food for thought for an October Sunday.

Gov. Sarah Palin’s performance on Thursday night ignited the columnists and bloggers alike to share their views of the Alaskan governor’s talking points. Here’s some interesting takes.

NY Times Op-Ed: By Bob Herbert

Sarah Palin’s candidacy is insultin’ dontcha know?

Wall Street Journal Op-Ed: By Peggy Noonan.

Debate a contrast in styles

And a more comprehensive look at the vice-presidential candidates’ positions:

Sarah Palin on the issues

Joe Biden on the issues

One thing that I want to hear your thoughts on: Do you want to see an opinion page here at The Stone Quarry, and if you do, would you be willing to write for it? Let me know. Visit our “Want to Write for Us?” page.

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I’m sure some of you have seen the Hawt Post on the WordPress home page — VP debate drinking game. This got me thinking. The Missourian higher education reporters were searching their cell phone contact lists to find someone who was actually doing this.

Some knew of people playing, but it didn’t seem to be organized. Others were ashamed to admit they would be playing a game involving alcohol during something so serious as the VP debate. So they didn’t want a reporter around while they watched.

Now, just for my two cents, I find that this speaks a little deeper to how popular debates have become during the presidential election. Debates are vital to informing voters about who they feel will do the best job leading this country, whether it be as president or vice-president. These are the times when moderators are to challenge candidates to answer hard questions that dig beneath the endlessly spouted campaign boilerplate and bluster.

For voters, it’s a must-see. But usually not one followed closely by younger voters — who might feel inclined to spice up any television event with a little drink.

Though on the surface it may appear juvenile, I think it shows that this election’s appeal is growing beyond the typical 40+ crowd of voters. And all I can say to that is good as long as it’s done responsibly (otherwise it kind of defeats the point). Anything that could bring out more voters to make informed decisions about their country, I’m all for.

So bottoms up.

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